Revelation: Light and Dark

1 In the beg In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Wait, there were waters? Darkness was over the surface of the deep…the deep what? Was that deep space? or deep on the planet? This was before God created light, so how was there darkness? We know that the natural state of the universe is darkness and the light only affects the area in direct line of sight. It’s like turning on the light in the bedroom. It doesn’t light up the whole house. It’s why you don’t see the deer in the ditch at night until your headlights catch him as he jumps in front of your car.

So at this point, there is matter but no energy, because darkness produces no energy. (I’m still puzzling about the waters though. hmmm.) So God creates light.

3 Then God said, Let there be light: And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the Light, Day, and the darkness he called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

There was light…there was now energy. It was dispersed across the whole universe, not in just our little corner. We still don’t have the sun or stars yet. Light can either be a particle or a wave; it has characteristics of both. It is the excitation of matter. Photons, little teeny particle/waves, hit atoms and excite the electrons which cause them to jump from one level in the atom to a higher orbit. When it loses this excitation, it drops back into its original orbit and releases energy. Now matter and energy cannot be destroyed, but photons can. So light is electromagnetic energy consisting of visible light, microwaves, radio waves, X rays, Gamma rays. The electromagnetic spectrum is huge and the visible light we can identify is just a small portion of that spectrum. The weird thing about the visible spectrum is that it can have an effect in water! Well, that’s where eyes developed.

This is convenient! We are equipped to see light. All beings on this planet are. Even plants see and utilize light, right? But, as I said earlier, we don’t yet have the sun or stars yet. We define “day” as when our part of the planet faces the sun, and “night” when it faces away. How do you measure a day without the sun?

So now we have the photons and no source of photons. A photon hits an electron and the electron moves to a higher orbit around the nucleus of an atom. It cannot maintain that new energy, so it drops the energy, returns to its original orbit, and creates then releases another photon. Picture it as if the atom was breathing.

Now imagine matter with no particular shape, a special solution (water?) that allows photons to interact within it resulting in the release of altered photons, and photons just wandering around willy nilly. Suddenly every atom can breathe. Every. Atom. in the Universe. I think that would create a pretty big bang. They have theorized that the big bang occurred because all the matter in the universe was collected in one place. How did it get there? If gravity pulled all this matter into one place, why didn’t it ignite sooner? Then it gets really odd. Quantum mechanics…(they work on really tiny cars?) Quantum means “what is it?!” It’s Latin for “stuff.” But what if all the matter in the universe wasn’t in one place. What if it was clumped here and there, thin in this place, thick in that? Then God introduced photons. It’s like “Look at all this delicious hydrogen. What happens when we put a spark to it?” Now we think of the Hindenburg zeppelin. BOOM! but it only went boom because of the presence of oxygen in the air. It reacted with the air and the spark. If there’s only hydrogen…

Looking at the first sentences in Genesis again. We have water. So there could have been hydrogen AND oxygen in that matter? That is unless God couldn’t describe this fluid matter to a person with no concept of quantum mechanics… Now we look at water and can understand that it has little molecules moving in a direction. We look at air the same way, though most people think that all the air is oxygen and not a combination of gasses. The solid matter we know about has a shape…a rock, a tree, a car. The shape of water and air depends on the shape of the container. Basically, that describes quantum particles. It is energy in motion. If you try to slow a quantum particle down to absolute 0, it will still move. It will still vibrate. So you can’t actually determine WHERE it is. You can’t point to it. But you can get a sense of what the momentum is. But going about finding the momentum, the general locality of the particle can be estimated. And the more precise you get about the location, the less precise you understand the momentum. So you cannot determine both its position and the momentum at the same time. Explain that to Moses.

ANYWAY, back to light and dark. So Light came before suns and stars. Doesn’t Jesus say he is the Light? He doesn’t say he is the sun, but the actual light. When you split an atom, you get a tremendous amount of light and heat. When you fuse atoms, you get the same. The atomic bomb is not splitting one atom, it is starting a chain reaction that spits LOTS of atoms. Think about it now. The light from these explosions is much bigger than what you’d expect because splitting the atom results in a cascade effect where all the electrons drop to lower orbits around the new atoms that are formed. When you have U238, you have at least 92 electrons that are dropping a level! That’s 92 photons released by 1 atom. If we think, then of all that light and yet the universe is consumed by darkness, where is the rest of the light?

I HAVE THE ANSWER! It’s leftover matter! All that dark matter that nobody knows exactly where it is, or where it came from is what is left over after the light hits it. Or it is the matter that was not hit by the photons, or it is the matter that CONCEALS HEAVEN. Well, now that I said it, it sounds stupid.

Maybe if I say it was revealed to me in a dream (and it was) and it was written in Sanskrit that when translated gave me the answer…

Take THAT Thurman Fleet.

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