
7 Positive Affirmations To Tell Yourself Every Day

  • I believe in my dreams. Believe in yourself and all that you are. …
  • I am doing my best every day. …
  • I love myself for who I am. …
  • I am in charge of my own happiness. …
  • I accept 100% responsibility for my own life. …
  • The best is yet to come. …
  • I am grateful for every day.

How does this change your life? Doesn’t it depend on your state of awareness? What does your conscious mind reveal about your unconscious mind? Are you trying to force your unconscious mind to think differently?

Can you repeat those to yourself every day and not see your dreams come true? It reminds me of the Mantra that Chief Detective Dreyfus recited in the Pink Panther movie: “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.” Did you notice that by the end of the film he was completely off the rails?

Valued Exposure: Herbert Lom
Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better.

Affirmations, for most people, are just lies they tell themselves so they don’t get depressed every day.

To understand why confirmations don’t work, you must understand how consciousness does. The consciousness of a child is basically instinct. They have nothing to base their awareness on. They notice EVERYTHING, but they cannot translate that into information they can use. Children get their affirmations from their parents.

The consciousness of a mob is like the flock of starlings. It flows and will attach itself to the first leader it finds. The members of the mob do not exercise their own will or thought, they follow, not understanding or caring about the consequences. These are not the people that latch onto affirmations.

Then when you come to the people with aspirations, you see that little candle flicker. Their consciousness and awareness have begun to grow. They wish to be more than they are. They think of consequences as either rewards for doing the right things or punishments for doing the wrong things. The problem comes in the belief behind the affirmations they use to get what they want (rewards). “Act as if you are, and you become!” The error of this belief is that, for instance, in acting as a money magnet, the person believes he just has to stand on the corner and believe really hard. Then everyone’s loose change flies to him, and briefcases full of currency, bearer bonds, rare uncut gems show up in his car. The point of the affirmations is to awaken one’s awareness. If you concentrate on what you want, you can see the opportunities to provide you with what you want. However, this is not what people do when they state their affirmations. They are concentrating on the end result instead of the means.

People at this level of consciousness may SAY they are 100% responsible for what conditions they have in their lives, but in reality, even the smallest thing can get in the way. They say that they are in charge of their own happiness, but never consider what it is, deep down, that makes them happy. Most of the time it revolves around shallow measurements of possessions, fame, recognition, so once again, one little thing can get in the way. They absolutely believe in their dreams and in themselves but do nothing to grow themselves into the persons they need to be to reach their dreams. They don’t invest in their mental acuity, their physical health, or their spiritual connection to God. They don’t surround themselves with knowledgeable people. They do not try to grow their own wisdom…They just believe. In their prayers, they give God a grocery list and ask Him to fill it.

At this point, in misusing the affirmations to magically draw things to you or promote growth without effort, these statements become delusions. They are lies. They serve to confuse and misdirect your subconscious, and the conscious mind fights these statements as being untrue.

What should people do at this aspiration level of consciousness? They look for ways to improve their thinking. They look for information, seek experiences, employ discernment. They ask more probing questions of themselves.

  • What do I want? Why? How would it change the way things are in my life? How would it change the people around me?
  • What kind of person would I have to become? How would I grow into that person? Where would I look for information? Whom could I ask for help?
  • Where should I spend my time? In what circles should I put myself? How could others’ thinking influence my thinking?
  • How do I start? How do I assess my current level of thinking? Is this something I need help in? Where would I go to find an unbiased judge of my performance thus far? How will I know when my awareness and consciousness have grown enough to take the next step?

You need to go within yourself to do an assessment of the skills and the gifts you’ve been given. A good coach can ask you more specific questions that take you into a deeper level of thinking. Once you’re used to this type of thinking, you have to consciously ignore what you have discovered in order to return to thinking the way you had habitually approached things. Who would want to take a step backward? This deep kind of thinking is both frightening and stimulating at the same time.

There are other levels of consciousness beyond this, but if you get to this level, you are already farther along your journey to reaching your goals than 90% of the people that just recite their affirmations. It is well worth it!

2 thoughts on “Affirmations?

  1. Well explained.
    I always found the affirmations… silly.
    I prefer just to either believe in myself (which I do) and/or act towards what I wanna get. Otherwise, it’s just silly. But, I’ve heard of the formations actually motivating certain people and sparking change. So, I guess whatever works – works.


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